
Here are some of the projects I've worked on.

SmartShade iOS App

A companion app to control + access solar powered parasols' opening, closing, tilting, rotation, music, lighting and data from its sensors.
  • Using Swift, developed the UI based on designs, communication with AWS servers to read/write robotic parasol device status and display updates on iOS app.
  • Backup and migrate API and device data from AWS hosted Kubernetes containers and MySQL database.
  • Determined users’ needs by collaborating with designers and engineers to map out product features based on priority and time.
  • Evaluated and redesigned application’s user experience based on Jakob Nielson’s Usability Heuristics.
  • Manage and test feature development.

Sunbox Web App

Contact me for access password
An internal web app dashboard to manage solar powered storage boxes.
  • Built front-end with React and SCSS. Some UI components include: forms for user credentials, tables to display device and reservation info and revenue earnings details.
  • Utilized AWS Amplify to take advantage of seamless AWS resources for scalability, authentication, storage and cross-platform development.
  • Using Jira, documented Epics, Features, User Stories, Tasks and Bugs to manage the products with Agile methodologies and Scrum sprints.

CapLens (Shopify)

A website buit with Shopify for a personal protective shield product.
  • Customized Shopify Theme using Liquid templating language.
  • Worked alongside designer, media and product team to communicate image placements, sizing, fonts and strategy.

CapLens Marketing (Webflow)

A prototype of CapLens website built quickly with Webflow to be used for early marketing and investment campagins.
  • Designed and made in Webflow.
  • Used Lottie animation to create an interactive product showcase in the site's hero section.

Homeless Reduction Movement Foundation

This is a volunteering project for me. A Wordpress website for a non-profit organization aimed to prevent homelessness.
  • I've managed the pages' content and customized the styling.
  • Connected the site to Stripe for one-time and recurring donation payment processing.
  • Migrated the organization's Email service from GoDaddy to Office365.


Designed and made in Webflow to give Lounge22 (furniture manufacturer) a fresh new look on the web.
  • The product pages utilize Webflow's ecommerce CMS.
  • Dynamic styling and colors based on product.
  • Menu design inspired by Stripe's dropdown mega menu.